Top 5 Questions to Ask Your Departmental Counselors

Question Mark Block

Hi Bruins!

At UCLA, you are very lucky to have both College Academic Counselors as well as departmental counselors if you are within the College of Letters and Science. Other schools at UCLA have similar models. For purposes of this blog post, we will focus on the departmental counseling within the College of Letters and Science. In order to take full advantage of all the resources available to you during your first year, we highly encourage you to make a plan every quarter to visit both your departmental counselors and general College Academic Counselors in Murphy Hall A316. If you are part of the Academic Advancement Program, the Honors Program, or Athletics, you should visit your respective counseling unit.

What is the difference between both counselors? Your departmental counselor are experts in your major and minor requirements; your general counselors can help with any college or university requirements.

What kind of questions should you be asking your departmental counselors if you are undeclared or a pre-major? UCLA’s First Year Experience office has just compiled the top 5 questions that should guide your counseling sessions to help maximize the time spent with your counselor.

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