Common Book Buzz: Ways Bad Feminist Will Relate To Your Life

BadFeminist_UCLA_PBCover_2ndPass with bumble bee

1. You’re embarrassed to admit how many times you check your facebook, how long it takes you to think of the perfect tweet, how many times you post to your story on snapchat, or how long you take to filter the most beautiful instagrammable photo.


2.   You’re either scared of feminists or you are proud to be one.



3.  If you’re a guy, you worry that opening a door for a lady would make you seem sexist instead of a gentleman.


4. As a girl, you know how it feels to be called “girly,” a ” tomboy,” or a “bitch” and wonder why you can’t be seen as just you.


5. As a guy, you know how it feels to be called a “sissy,” a “girl”, or a “tough guy” and wonder why you can’t be seen as just you.


6. You are a secret Taylor Swift fan and want to proclaim that to the world.


7. You sing along to music that has misogynistic lyrics, but can’t help enjoying the beats.


8. There has been a time when you have wanted to cry in public, but know you would risk your entire reputation by doing so.


9.  You feel annoyed, frustrated, and sometimes even angry that people on the media look absolutely nothing like you.


10.  You wonder why this is always the reaction when a woman runs for president.


11. While filling out an application, the toughest sections  to check off are race, gender, or sexuality.


12. You hate that you can’t walk home alone at night without feeling unsafe.

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13. You are too familiar with feeling insecure.

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13. You are weird in your own way.


13. You are perfectly, imperfect.


For more information about the Common Book program, please visit our First Year Experience website. Check back for more Common Book Buzz on the blog throughout the summer!

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Onederful First Year

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Congrats first year Bruins!

You’ve made it this far and that deserves major props. Now the real fun stuff begins. We here at the First Year Experience office exist to make this first year the best ever for you. We can’t promise it will be easy; in fact we guarantee you it won’t be. However, we can say with much certainty that it will be a memorable, onederful year if you keep a few things in mind.

Your First Year Will…

Be New

We know this may sound obvious, but it merits attention. Your first year as a Bruin will be like no other and, therefore, should not be compared to your years as a high school student or transfer student. UCLA is a completely different ball game and you will have to immerse yourself in this “newness” and embrace the lack of familiarity for at least the first few quarters. Sooner than you think, your campus will become your Bruin home. Until that time comes, be patient.

Be Full

If you are thinking you may be bored or wondering what there is to do in LA or Westwood, you can rest assured that your first year will be a blur overloaded with many opportunities at your fingertips and in your backyard (LA is your neighborhood now!). Starting with the intensity of orientation through True Bruin Welcome and beyond, your first year will leave you with a jam packed social calendar, if you decide to go that route. You may also want to lead a quieter life and keep your socializing to a minimum as well, but know that you will have many chances to get involved, meet new people, and explore this amazing LA city.

Be Yours

We know you’ve probably heard your parents or guardians say it is not healthy to compare yourself to others, well we would like to gently remind you that this also pertains to your first year experience. We have over 8,000 incoming first year Bruins and each one of you is unique; each with your own strengths and weaknesses. Be careful in comparing yourself to your peers because you never know what it is like to be in his/her shoes. Your first year may be a breeze and for someone else it may be the hardest year of her life. Just be mindful that your first year as a Bruin is a very personal experience that does not compare to any others’.

Your First Year Will NOT…

Define You

We see so much pressure put on our incoming Bruins to succeed and we support your endeavors, but know that it is okay to stumble and make mistakes in your first year. Honestly, we encourage you to do so. It’s better to have academic difficulty at the beginning of your undergraduate career than during your senior year. By the way, UCLA has amazing academic resources to help you when things get tough, like our College Academic Counselors. You have your entire four years to create your Bruin legacy.

Break You

Unless you let it. Things may get rough from time to time, but there is always light at the top of Janss steps. Do not despair and remember there are tons of resources and individuals on campus to help you when you need it. Keep things in perspective and the great thing about the quarter system is you always have another shot at another class just around the corner.

Be All About Your GPA

Even though we understand that getting a 4.0+ is one, if not your highest priority, there is SO much more to experience in your first year. Don’t let your academics consume you; go out and live. Be bold; Be open to new things; Be adventurous. You never know if that person down the hall will be your bff and become your best man or maid of honor at your wedding. Take a chance and stop by and say ,”Hi.” Explore your passions and hobbies. UCLA will challenge you academically, but it will also give you the opportunity to live outside your borders. Take advantage of that starting during True Bruin Welcome.

Remember, your first year will be onederful no matter what because you’re only a first year Bruin once.