Home is Where the Heart Is

on a plane

Welcome back to UCLA for your first Winter Quarter!  No matter how far you live from campus, it can be hard to transition from ‘break mode’ to ‘UCLA mode.’ This change is especially difficult for students who live a significant distance from campus—whether it be another state, or another country.  Since you live far away, you might not be able to visit home as often as you like.  In high school, you were likely able to hang out with your friends from home and your family on a daily basis—which changed when you entered Fall Quarter at UCLA.  Technology has helped to bridge this gap, but a FaceTime call with Mom is never the same as a big hug and home cooked meal.

I’m not going to tell you it gets easier, but it does more manageable to cope with these difficult circumstances.  Instead of focusing on what you are leaving behind, focus on the great journey ahead.  UCLA is the first step in the right direction towards your bright future.  Know that your family and friends from home support you and want you to do as well as possible.  As you become more immersed in the UCLA community, you create your own family.  These family members could include your RA, Greek brothers and sisters, floormates, roommates, suitemates, and classmates.  When you have all of these amazing people around you, UCLA doesn’t seem so scary because you have your home family and school family behind your back.  UCLA presents so many amazing opportunities at your fingertips; all you have to do is find the one that’s right for you!

Also, be aware that missing home is normal and you have no reason to feel ashamed or embarrassed.  Even people that live only a few minutes from campus can feel homesick.  It is hard transferring from the comforts of home to a college dorm or Westwood apartment.  Find a way to make UCLA feel like home and this journey will be easier!

If you feel that you are having a hard time coping with this transition, please know that there are many resources available on campus. Visit UCLA’s Counseling and Psychological Services website to learn more.

Best of luck this quarter and know that a visit home will come sooner than you think!

Written by former FYE student editor: Jennifer Rose

My name is Jennifer Rose.  I worked at the Office of First Year Experience and studied at UCLA.  I am from Boca Raton, FL and studied Physiological Sciences.  At UCLA, I was a part of Alpha Gamma Delta, Colleges Against Cancer, the organization team for Bruin Overnight Experience, a Freshman Engagement Intern at Hillel at UCLA, and AMSA.  I loved my time at UCLA and am so happy I formed a strong family there full of friends I will have for life!

Credit: On a Plane Photo

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